About me

Alice Adamčíková (* 1982)

Alice Adamčíková was born in Ostrava. She developed her relationship to artistic expression in her childhood at Domov dětí a mládeže (Children and Youth Centre) in Mariánské Hory. Her first amateur exhibitions took place when she was a secondary school student. Although the school was focused on economics, her inner self always drew her more into the world of art. She is now in her sixth year at an art school called Lidová konzervatoř Ostrava  in a course led by Pavla Titorová. She works mainly with acrylics, but also with oils. She glues stones she crushes herself, sand and other objects onto her paintings.

Her work is inspired by inner feelings – moods that accompany our everyday life. “A mood is an emotional state that accompanies human experience and action over time. Unlike basic emotions, individual moods may not have a clear object, they are not precisely targeted, but arise from a person’s nature and from a particular sequence of experiences. Sometimes even individuals themselves do not know exactly why they are in a particular mood,” Czech Wikipedia aptly concludes. Moods are erratic, volatile, varied, lively, happy, sad, melancholic, choleric. They are the blues we have. Moods can be “transferred” to the people around us, even through artistic expression. Alice wants everyone to find their own mood in the paintings – the mood that will make them feel good.



  • Osobo, kdo jste? (Person, Who Are You?) – exhibition of students of Lidová konzervatoř   Ostrava, Dům U Šraněk Gallery, Ostrava-Vítkovice


  • Úlomky nálad (Fragments of Moods), Club Dock, Ostrava Foyer of the New Town Hall Ostrava (jubilee exhibition of Lidová konzervatoř        Ostrava)


  • Kořeny a úlomky (Roots and Fragments), Dům kultury města Ostravy, Gaudeamus   Gallery (with Jakub Ivánek)
  • Winter Garden of the Moravan Spa Sanatorium, Teplice nad Bečvou
  • Quatrodent Dental Centre, Ostrava
  • Ostrov (Island), Holy Trinity Church in Klimkovice (with Jakub Ivánek and Jan Trtílek)
  • M+M Gallery, Hranice


  • Spa promenade, Klimkovice Spa
  • Desítka (Ten) with students of Lidová konzervatoř Ostrava, Dům kultury města     Ostravy, Gaudeamus Gallery
  • Partitura země (Music Score of Landscape), Dům kultury města Ostravy, Gaudeamus        Gallery (with Jakub Ivánek and Jan Trtílek)


  • Francie ve světě – Svět ve Francii (France in the World – The World in France) –     exhibition of students of Lidová konzervatoř Ostrava, Alliance Française d’Ostrava


  • Vzdálené připojení (Remote Connection), online exhibition by students of Lidová konzervatoř Ostrava (www.vystava.art)