Alice Adamčíková
My inspiration…
Even as a little girl I used to draw pictures for my grandfather (on my dad’s side) when he came to visit us. He carefully kept them in his collection. Grandpa’s thinking and outlook on life were timeless. He saw only the good things life had to offer – there was no place for the negative ones.
. I also often think of my grandmother (on my mother’s side), who looked after me at her place at times. I loved her. I remember how she liked to sit by the window every morning holding a cup of freshly ground coffee, which gave off a heady scent, and looking out of the window at whatever was happening outside. I watched her through my bleary eyes when I woke up, not daring to utter a word. And even then, as a little girl, I was aware of the importance of her morning moment. She was enveloped in a certain energetic glow that reached all the way to my bed bringing the feelings of calmness, safety, security and lightness… Thank you, Grandma.
Also, her husband, my grandfather, liked to have his own world in the basement where he would escape to do some DIY, to engage in creative activities and to smoke. I can’t forget the intense smell of nicotine and the thick tobacco smoke. They are still HERE – the smell of coffee, cigarettes and that positive energy… Why did I start like this? I wanted to share with you who I am, to tell you what influenced me as a person when painting… We are influenced not only by the environment where we live, but also by the people around us.
Welcomy on my pages
I am an amateur painter, a creator of something that is not governed by rules or a template of “sameness”. I like the freedom, the imaginativeness and the “smell” of the unconscious mirroring of our soul in whatever we create around us… I produce my paintings intuitively, I don’t know what will be created on a given canvas. Sometimes it is very exhausting, because I put there a piece of my present being; I find myself in another space-time. It’s challenging and at the same time so beautiful; there is no fear, anxiety, jumble of thoughts, no people, past or future; there is only the HERE AND NOW and my “SELF”.
My paintings
Ledové království
Velké obrazy / Large Paintings -
Velké obrazy / Large Paintings -
Střední obrazy / Medium Paintings -
Krok do neznáma
Střední obrazy / Medium Paintings -
Střední obrazy / Medium Paintings -
Pouštní kobra
Střední obrazy / Medium Paintings -
Malé obrazy / Small Paintings -
Motýlí žena
Malé obrazy / Small Paintings -
Velké obrazy / Large Paintings -
Zkamenělá ryba
Velké obrazy / Large Paintings -
Velké obrazy / Large Paintings -
Malé obrazy / Small Paintings